• The Invitation Oriah Mountain Dreamer, Spiritual Poems

    by  • March 18, 2012 • Spirituality • 0 Comments

    The Invitation Oriah Mountain Dreamer

    Excerpts from The Invitation Oriah Mountain Dreamer returned home from a typical social gathering, a party and felt frustrated at the superficial connections and posturing that is socially expected at such events.  She put pen to paper and produced a poem that quickly spread world-wide.

    I want to know what you ache for and if you dream of meeting your heart’s longing.

    Who you really are as a conscious individual is inspired by the feeling deep within.  It is sacred.  It is given to you to be expressed through you.  When you talk from the eyes up you are just making it up as best you can.

    Your head has no idea what you are meant to be doing with your life.  Maybe your heart hasn’t revealed it all either, but it will reveal the next step, even if the next step is ‘be patient and do nothing’.

    I want to know if you can sit with pain mine or your own without moving to hide it or fade it or fix it.

    One way we try and control our lives, which are not controllable, is to decide how we want to feel or should feel.  We don’t get taught how to understand and approach feelings when growing up.  We instead think that distraction and avoidance is a solution and we carry on through adulthood the same way.

    To sit and surrender and not wish anything away is healing, forever.  You clear the past and are then free to discover more of your heart’s longing.

    let the ecstasy fill you to the tips of your fingers and toes without cautioning us to be careful to be realistic to remember the limitations of being human.

    Ahh the curse of social conditioning.  The unwillingness to feel the ups and downs. The belief that something bad will follow something good.  It doesn’t.  Something bad will follow a misplaced attitude, cockiness, pumping your-self up, taking all the credit but good fortune and joy can be there without fear, shame or guilt.

    I want to know if you can disappoint another to be true to yourself.

    People don’t care half as much about what you do as you think.  Sure they will care about your happiness and well-being to greater or lesser degree, but if you make a change in your life, people won’t care for longer than about 6 hours before something else more important grabs their attention.

    Sure there might be short-term disappointment but love is wanting what another wants for themselves.  If they are not supportive they are acting out of their own fears and selfish wishes, even if they convince themselves it is for love.

    I want to know if you can be alone with yourself and if you truly like the company you keep in the empty moments.

    Some people are designed to thrive in the company of others and to enjoy being around people so don’t think that if you prefer to not be alone there is something wrong.  However there is a difference
    between this and disliking yourself and trying to distract yourself.  If you do need to spend time alone, are you OK with it or are you running from all that you are?

    Due to copyright restrictions I have only reproduced a small section of the most relevant parts of the poem The Invitation Oriah Mountain Dreamer.  These are the sections most relevant to the theme of this website.


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