• Moon Signs Astrology, Determine Moon Sign, What Is My Moon Sign?

    by  • March 13, 2012 • Astrology • 0 Comments

    How Moon
    Signs Astrology

    Can Help You

    Moon signs astrology is an important but often neglected aspect of astrology. One of the benefits of knowing more about your birth chart is self-acceptance, which leads to higher self-esteem.

    Check out the links below to each moon sign. The sun sign could be thought of as an indicator of what is going on between you and the outside world whereas the moon sign is more between you and your inside world, if that makes sense.

    Moon signs reveal your deepest values and motivators. Left alone and completely free to be you, what would you do? If you could ask someone to allow you to be who you were created as, what would you need to tell them?/p>>

    Often we feel discontent at being misunderstood and not allowed to be ‘us’ by loved ones and society. Well, I strongly recommend you learn more about your moon sign traits and that will help you know yourself, accept yourself and then in turn the strength, self-acceptance and integrity you radiate will command acceptance by others.

    Moon signs astrology is well worth some time spent with an open mind.

    Are You Asking Yourself ‘What is My Moon Sign’?

    Here is a useful moon sign calculator chart from Planet Watcher (opens in a new window) for you to enter your birth date and time if
    known in GMT. If you don’t know the time of birth then enter 12:00 PM.

    Look on the chart for the grey crescent shaped moon and take note of which zodiac sign it falls within. If you are unsure or can’t find the moon then as a test run, put in the date Sep 6 2010 and have a look at bottom right where ‘5’ would be on a clock. You will see the moon in the zodiac of Leo (the red squiggly symbol).

    Unfortunately this chart doesn’t label the signs, but if you were to look at the left where about an’8′ would be on a clock, see the red symbol for Aries and then carrying on anti-clockwise in order you get…

    – Taurus

    – Gemini

    – Cancer

    – Leo

    – Virgo

    – Libra

    – Scorpio

    – Sagittarius

    – Capricorn

    – Aquarius

    – Pisces

    If you were unsure of your birth time and you see the moon is on the cusp between two signs, then click on the links below and read with interest about both signs. You should be able to determine the moon sign that is most relevant to you.


    Taurus Zodiac


    Cancer Zodiac

    Leo Zodiac



    Scorpio Sign

    Sagittarius Sign

    Capricorn Sign

    Aquarius Sign

    Pisces Zodiac


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