Arjuna Ardagh, Gay Hendricks, Conscious Men Manifesto
by admin • March 8, 2012 • Self-Help, Spirituality • 0 Comments
Arjuna Ardagh And Gay Hendricks
Conscious Men Manifesto
Arjuna Ardagh and Gay Hendricks have penned A Manifesto for Conscious Men (opens in a new window) to
(1) apologise to women for actions in the past and present,
(2) usher in a new era of mutual divine worship between men and women.
A manifesto is a public declaration. Whether or not a general public apology is effective in changing anything, or warranted, this manifesto does serve as a guide to living a balanced, personally
responsible life.
Some people focus on whether there is a need for an apology to women, but that is missing the potential for growth that lies in the ‘right’attitude and knowledge that is behind the manifesto.
At the heart of the manifesto is the realisation that men, and to a lesser extent women, live unbalanced lives, detached from the completeness of our masculine and feminine energies.
With so much of our life requiring mind; planning; thinking and interpretation, we do not realise the abundance, wisdom and harmony that comes to our lives when we spend time and conscious attention feeling and being present in our bodies, specifically the heart.
…I honor your intuition and your profound capacity for feeling. As men, we have often devalued feeling and intuition in favor of a view dominated by data and logic. This way of being seemed necessary to move humanity beyond superstition and animalism, but in the process we lost much of the heart of life. I commit to respecting the arts of feeling, intuition and wisdom of the feminine heart, so that together we can integrate them into a balanced view of life, that honors and includes all wisdoms...
To sit and spend even a few minutes feeling the heart helps to balance all energies within. With the mind being masculine and the heart being feminine, is it any wonder the feminine in the external world has not been considered equal when we devalue and ignore the heart-space within?
If the external world is a reflection of what attitudes, energies and beliefs reside within then we need to look within to see what we can balance and discover what within will take us to the next stage of development as human beings.
If you are a man or a woman, conscious or not, sitting and rediscovering your heart by feeling it (not imagining it or thinking about it!) will balance within and help humanity move forward towards
experiencing blessings, success, abundance and harmonious relationships.
If you honour the feminine within (the heart) you will improve your life, help create miracles and experience synchronicity that will astound you.
Those who get stuck arguing why an apology is not justified or sticking to their belief that a man needs to be a certain way are separating themselves from the balance within.
A Conscious Men Manifesto by Arjun Ardagh and Gay Hendricks has several helpful pointers to men and women, but I think it is probably going to be missed by the vast majority. Regardless, the manifesto comes from a wise place and deserves to be honoured.